Florida’s Amendment 2 would raise wages for 2.5 million workers

This year, Florida voters have a chance to VOTE YES on Amendment 2, which would raise wages from $8.56/hr to $15/hr by 2026.

The current minimum wage in Florida — $8.56/hr — is simply not enough to live on, not enough to feed a family on, not enough to live a life of dignity and respect.

It’s about time we saw some justice for Black and Brown workers exploited by corporations like McDonald’s.

We can send champions of racial and economic justice to the White House and Congress this fall. We’ve got one shot to change directions in this country: not just for the 2.5 million Floridians who can win $15/hr, but for all of us.

If we’re going to win $15/hr this November, we have to get serious about getting folks to the polls: and that starts in Florida. Sign up to send texts to the Sunshine State for $15/hr, union rights, and our future (it’ll be easy, and you don’t have to live in Florida!)