Your vote matters: don’t let them take it!

15 and a union.

Your vote matters. If it didn’t, Republican politicians around the country wouldn’t be trying to take it away.

And they are trying. In Wisconsin, a conservative judge ruled that more than 200,000 people could have their voter registrations canceled. In Georgia, they’re trying to kick 300,000 voters off the rolls.

This is a direct attack on Black and Brown communities. For example, Milwaukee County alone represents nearly a quarter of voters affected by the ruling in Wisconsin, and is 27% Black and 15% Hispanic.

But we’re fighting back—demanding our rights, and an economy that works for us. Most of the major Democratic candidates have embraced what we know everyone deserves: $15/hr and Unions for All. Now, we have to be ready to elect allies who will support this movement.

The states below vote on or before Super Tuesday. No matter where you live, make sure you’re registered, or update your registration!

Alabama – 2/14 Minnesota – Day of
American Samoa – 2/3 North Carolina – 2-7 (Early Voting 2/13-2/29)
Arkansas – 2/4 Oklahoma – 2/7
California – Day of Tennessee – 2/3
Colorado – Day of Texas – 2/3
Democrats Abroad – Varies Utah – Day of
Maine – Day of Vermont – Day of
Massachusetts – 2/12

Virginia – 2/10

If you missed your state’s deadline, you can still register for the November General Election. It’s going to take every one of us standing up to demand what we deserve: $15 an hour and a union so we can support our families.

Spread the word! Make sure your friends and family register to vote by sharing this post.